Saturday 20 September 2014

online assignment


                                                                             Candidate code:133011002


            With the implementation of improved science curricula in the various states and as recommended by Kothari Commission(1964-1966) to implement the scheme ”Science for all” throughout the school stage and the work done by N.C.E.R.T. In this respect, it has become imperatively important to implement different means of providing better teaching learning situations within the frame work of School Education keeping in view the resources available in our country and their utilization in systematic way , physical facilities are required .
         Physical facilities in Science, perhaps, are those provisions in the school which facilitate the teacher and pupils to have ideal teaching –learning situations and to utilize them effectively with understanding in a simpler and easier way to achieve the desired aims and objectives of science comparatively in less time .It is also to keep the students in touch with new developed advancement in science and to fulfil the individual needs of the students.

      Science has occupied almost unparalleled position in every field .Its evolution the last few decades has necessitated the need of well developed students with scientific attitude and for it we need well equipped laboratories .Science teaching has now become less concerned in presenting factual knowledge or satisfying only knowledge aim. It is felt that only chalk and talk method makes science an understanding subject. Moreover, with theory only students are like frogs in a well, totally unaware of experimental techniques. Experimental study is indispensable to create scientific method of thinking among students. Facts become everlasting if pupils perform experimental themselves instead of memorizing like parrots .If good teacher is the first , laboratory is the second most important requirement.
 Science is a study of natural phenomena and requires a laboratory component which permits and encourages discovery and creativity. Science faculty welcome electronic technology as a potentially effective tool to expand and to enhance instruction. However, it can neither duplicate nor replace learning experiences afforded to students through hands-on lab and field activities. These hands-on laboratory and field experiences:

  • engage students in open-ended investigative processes, using scientific problem solving
  • provide application of information students have heard and seen in lecture, thereby reinforcing and clarifying scientific principles and concepts.
  • involve multiple senses in three-dimensional rather than two-dimensional learning experiences important for greater retention of concepts and for accommodation of different leaning styles
  • stimulate students to understand the nature of science including its unpredictability and complexity
  • provide opportunities to engage in collaborative work and to model scientific attitudes and behavior .
  • develop mastery of techniques and skills needed for potential science, engineering, and technology majors .
·        In laboratory, it is possible to keep various scientific instruments and chemicals in safe and secure conditions, as without them, it is not possible to carry out any kind of experiment in any way.
·        . If there is proper of well equipped and properly arranged laboratory in the school, then students will get encouraged by it to take active part in the experimental processes as in such kind of laboratory, a congenial kind of atmosphere exist, which promote the interest of students in practical works.
·        With the help of well equipped and organised laboratory, science teacher will get help in developing the scientific attitudes among the students to considerable extent.
·        All the students have to carry out experiments collectively in the laboratory as often there is shortage of such facilities in schools. With such functions, spirit of co-operation and team work gets developed among the students and they begin to appreciate the work done by others. Not only this, through this, they also begin to appreciate the views and ideas of others, which help them in becoming successful in future life.
·        When students themselves get the opportunity to take part in experimental processes, then their area of experiences get widen and their level of intuitiveness also gets developed, as a result of which, they become people with wide mentality and open-mindedness.

·        SKILLS-manipulate, inquiry, investigate, organizational ,communicative.
·        CONCEPTS-for example, hypothesis theoretical model , taxonomic category
·        COGNITIVE ABILITIES-critical thinking, problem solving, application, analysis, synthesis
·        UNDERSTAND IN THE NATURE OF SCIENCE-scientific enterprise, scientists and how they work, existence of a multiplicity of scientific methods, interrelationship between science and technology and among the various disciplines of scince.
ATTITUDES- curiousity , interest ,risk taking,objectivity, precission confidence, perseverance, satisfaction, responsibility, consensus , collaboration ,and liking science.
  For planning a laboratory and equipment, the following factors should be taken into consideration:
·        The number of science students.
·        The number of science teachers.
·        Method of teaching.
·        Finances available.
·        Time available for practicals.
·        Nature of the school.

In summary, the knowledge gained from science courses with a strong laboratory component enables students to understand in more practical and concrete ways their own physical makeup, the functioning of the natural world around them, environmental issues, etc. It is only by maintaining hands-on lab experiences that the brightest and most promising potential science majors will be stimulated and not turned off by lecture only approaches to science. These lab courses may offer many students their only opportunity to experience a science laboratory environment.

·        Modern  Science Teaching   -     R C  Sharma
·        Teaching of science               -R C    Sharma&Siddeque

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